The final stop of the 2024 National Xball League season concludes during the World Cup of Paintball presented by Kissimmee Sports, November 6th* - 10th! Teams, Players, Fans & Companies from every corner of the globe will come together for the largest event of the year.
Teams will battle it out over FOUR days of fast-paced paintball action! Come join us and watch all of the action LIVE & FREE all weekend long on the Amateur fields or buy a front row ticket to watch the Pro Main Stage. The biggest names in paintball will be present on-site and featuring their latest products as part of our massive event trade show as well as food vendors & fun for the whole family!
Wednesday, November 6 (Parking Opens at 6:30 AM)
8:30 AM - 6 PM: Team Registration Open
9 AM Practices Begin
10 AM Vendor Booths Must be Open to the Public
6 PM: Site Closes
Thursday, November 7 (Parking Opens at 5 AM)
Divisional Games Begin 7 AM, First Pro Game 8 AM
5:30 AM until the End of Games: Team Registration Open
6:30 AM until the End of Games: NXL Store Open
7 AM - 5 PM: Xball Prelim Games Day 1 of 2
8 AM - 5:30 PM: Trade Show Open to the Public
8 AM - 5 PM: Pro Games (lunch break at noon)
12 PM: Pro Autograph Session in front of NXL Store
5 PM - 8 PM on-site welcome party brought to you by the NXL and Hormesis
8 PM - Site Closes
Friday, November 8 (Parking Opens at 5 AM)
Divisional Games Begin 6:45 AM, First Pro Game 8 AM
6 AM – 6 PM: Team Registration Open
6:30 AM until the End of Games: NXL Store Open
7 AM - Mounds 5v5
7 AM - 5 PM: Xball Prelim Games Day 2 of 2
8 AM – 5 PM: Pro Games
8 AM - 5:30 PM: Trade Show Open to the Public
11:55 AM: National Anthem on the Pro Field
12 PM: Commander's Cup Semi-Finals, Pro Field
5 PM: Hormesis Movie Premiere, show starts at 6 PM. Oasis closes at 9 PM
9 PM: Site Closes
Saturday, November 9 (Parking Opens at 5 AM)
Divisional Games Begin 6:45 AM, First Pro Game 8 AM
5:30 AM – 6 PM: Team Registration Open
6:30 AM until the End of Games: NXL Store Open
7 AM – 4:30 PM: Divisional Games
8 AM – 5:30 PM: Trade Show Open to the Public
8 AM: Semi-Pro Champions Club Games on the Pro Field
8 AM – 5 PM: Pro Games
11 AM: WNXL Autograph Session starts in front of the NXL Booth
Noon: Team USA Recognition on the Pro Field
12:20 PM: Commanders Cup Finals on the Pro Field
5 PM: Youth Finals & WNXL 5v5 Finals on the Pro Field
6 PM: Site Closes
Sunday, November 10 (Parking Opens at 5 AM)
(Site Opens 5:30 AM, First game 7 AM)
5:30 AM through End of Semi-Finals: Registration Open
6:30 AM until the End of Games: NXL Store Open
7 AM - 5:30 PM Games
7:30 AM – 7:55 AM: College Finals on the Pro Field
8 AM: First Pro Game on the Pro Field
8 AM - 5:30 PM Trade Show Open to the Public
Awards happening on the stage at the top of every hour starting at 11 AM
3:40 PM: National Anthem on the Pro Field
3:40 PM: Pro Finals immediately following the National Anthem
Pro Awards Ceremony and Raffle Immediately Following at the NXL Stage
On-Site World Cup Party Sunday Immediately After the Final Pro Match!! Massive
Raffle, Center 50 Bar. Thousands of dollars in gear and services are being raffled
off – Must be present to win!
*Wednesday, November 6th: On-Site Practices, Vendors Open & Player/Media Registration​
*Across from the Gaylord Palms Resort*

Earn your team a BYE into the 2024 NXL World Cup Quarter-Final round*!
Play in the 2024 NXL Series and finish at the top of your Division to earn yourself a shot at the largest payout in history...OVER $150K IN X-BALL PRIZES!
*Teams will still play (3) matches to determine seed placement and where they fit into the Quarter-Final brackets