5-on-5 format with 12 to 15 minutes per match (depending on division) in a race against the clock battle to hit
the opposing teams buzzer. Teams go back and forth, playing point after point until the clock expires or a team
forces a mercy (a win by 4 to 6 points depending on division) to determine a winner. Compete in 4 preliminary
matches before you advance into a "win or go home" scenario moving forward.
7-on-7 format with 7 minutes per game as teams attempt to hit their opponents buzzer. Teams will play through the preliminaries, then compete in a "win or go home" scenario on into the next rounds.
5-on-5 format with 5 minutes per game as teams attempt to hit their opponents buzzer. Teams will play through the preliminaries, then compete in a "best 2 of 3" format and continue through into the next rounds until your team loses.
10-on-10 format with 10 minutes per game as teams attempt to hit their opponents buzzer.
Teams will play through the preliminaries, then compete in a "win or go home" scenario on into the next rounds.
3-on-3 format with 3 minutes per game as teams attempt to hit their opponents buzzer.
Teams will play through the preliminaries, then compete in a "win or go home" best of 2 out of 3 scenario on into the next rounds.
5-on-5 format with 5 minutes per game as teams attempt to eliminate the opposing team and hit their
opponents buzzer. Teams will play against up to 4 different opponents in the preliminaries in a "best 2 of 3" format and continue through into the next rounds until your team loses. Non-Electronic markers are uncapped, while electronic markers are capped at 5.5 balls per second.